December 18, 2008
PR No. 307/2008

Order against M/s. Mackertich Consultancy Services Private Ltd., M/s. Vatican Commercials Ltd. and M/s. Pinnacle Trades & Investments Pvt. Ltd. in the matter of South East Asia Marine Engineering and Constructions Ltd.

Dr. T. C. Nair, Whole Time Member, SEBI, has passed an order dated December 12, 2008, in the matter of South East Asia Marine Engineering and Constructions Ltd. restraining M/s. Mackertich Consultancy Services Private Limited (PAN No.AABCM5680Q) from accessing the securities market for a period of 15 days and warning M/s. Pinnacle Trades & Investments Private Limited (PAN No.AABCP7789D) and M/s. Vatican Commercials Limited (PAN No.AABCV7869G) to be more cautious while dealing in securities market.
The order shall come into force with immediate effect 


December 18, 2008


For full copy of order against MACKERTICH CONSULTANCY SERVICES PVT.LTD., click here.

For full copy of order against PINNACLE TRADES & INVESTMENTS LTD., click here.

For full copy of order against VATICAN COMMERCIALS LTD., click here.