July 27, 2007
PR No. 224/2007

Order against M/s. Manyog Investments Pvt. Ltd. and its Directors

Dr. T.C.Nair, Whole Time Member, SEBI vide order dated July 25, 2007 has restrained M/s. Manyog Investments Pvt. Ltd. and its Directors, Shri Manish N.Shah and Shri Yogesh Ruparel from buying, selling or dealing in securities in any manner and in any capacity for a period of one year in the matter of M/s. Natural Expo Agro Industries Ltd.

M/s. Manyog Investments Pvt. Ltd. and its Directors, Shri Manish N.Shah and Shri Yogesh Ruparel have been found guilty of violating the provisions of Regulation 4 (a) and (b) of the SEBI (Prohibition of Fradulent and Unfair Trade Practices Relating to Securities Market) Regulations, 1995.

The order shall come into force with immediate effect.


July 27, 2007


For full copy of order against M/S. MANYOG INVESTMENTS PVT.LTD. click here.