Smt. Komal Anand, Secretary, Ministry Of Corporate Affairs addressing the press conference
Sitting (from left to right) : Shri Prithvi Haldea, Director, PIPAL, Shri Jitesh Khosla, Joint Secretary, Ministry Of Corporate Affairs ,Shri Prem Chand Gupta, Hon’ble Minister for Corporate Affairs, Shri Paul Joseph, Adviser, Ministry Of Corporate Affairs, Smt. Sucheta Dalal, noted columnist

Shri Prem Chand Gupta, Hon’ble Minister for Corporate Affairs launching the website

Shri Prem Chand Gupta, Hon’ble Minister for Corporate Affairs addressing the press conference

Shri Prithvi Haldea, Director, PIPAL addressing the press conference

Shri Prem Chand Gupta, Hon’ble Minister for Corporate Affairs, Smt. Komal Anand, Secretary, Ministry Of Corporate Affairs, Smt. Sucheta Dalal, noted columnist and Shri Prithvi Haldea, Director, PIPAL in a discussion

Members of the media and other invitees at the launch function

Members of the media and other invitees at the launch function

Members of the media and other invitees over refreshments